Success factor: shared context

A context is our personal story, perception or experience that frames the way we think and act. In groups the collective context, a coherent and shared ‘big picture’ of results and approach, stimulates co-creation and the willingness to participate.

The success strategy: We all recognize the big picture and we are willing to work together towards a collective outcome. We can discuss this factor using the following success markers: Shared vision, Coherent overview, Interdependencies, Motivating outcome and Translate big picture


Shared vision
We share a common view on results and approach
Many team members feel that there is a common view of the outcome and the way to get there. This positive feeling is however inconsistent with other success markers which relate to coherence in deliverables and shared meaning of important information.  Probably poor communication creates a common but insufficient clear line of sight. 
Individual improvement

Activate thinking patterns that are aimed at people and results using questions such as:

  • What do I want to achieve?
  • What do we aim at?
  • Who benefits? 
  • Who is involved? 
  • What is their perception
Team improvement
  • Focus on a common frame of reference for results and approach
  • Take time to reflect and see the bigger picture
  • Stimulate a team culture of ‘success is a team effort”
Other interventions
  • Start meetings with an overview of results and approach (past and future)

Use methods for 

  • Defining product- and work breakdown
  • Visualization of results and customer journey.
Coherent overview
We have a clear picture on how parts of the overall result interrelate

Many professionals seem to be puzzled about the overall coherence of a team effort. Despite a global view on deliverables the specific interdependencies with other co-workers are not clear enough to create that coherence. This results in rework and stress. This could be solved by collective learning and knowledge transfer. 

Individual improvement

Activate a way of thinking that connects the dots. Combine conceptional thinking with a sense for structure and details. 

Activation questions:

  • Concept: What is the idea behind the results?
  • Details: What are specific details that matter
  • Structuur: How does it all interrelate?
Team improvement
  • Focus on finding the connection
  • Respect and appreciate the work of others
  • Create a strong group culture by communicating in the ‘we’ format.
Other interventions
  • Start meetings with an overall overview of the deliverables and dependencies.

Apply specific templates or structures for:

  • Defining work packages and tasks
  • Visualizing the overall results and scope of work
We all know our task and interdependencies (people/information/activities)

Much time and money is lost because interdependencies between people, systems and tasks are not known. This creates rework and hampers the quality of work. From a survey among 500+ professionals it shows that 34% is convinced but 25% is not convinced that alle team members know their task and interdependencies.

Individual improvement

Find interdependencies by focusing on practical use and the group by using these awareness questions: 

  • How will ’this’ work in practice?
  • Who is involved and what is my role in the group?
  • In what way does the quality of my task depends on other actions, information, or people?
Team improvement
  • Stimulate forward thinking (how will this look like?).
  • Be specific about activities and relevant information.
  • Visualize interdependencies.
Other interventions

Create clear definitions of the scope of work, the roles involved, groups tasks and individual tasks.

Use tools to:

  • Define critical paths of activities
  • Document system dependencies
  • Improve information flow in the team
  • Stakeholder analysis
Motivating outcome
We feel motivated to contribute because the results matter to us

This is the number one success marker according to 500+ professionals in the survey. Many people are motivated to contribute because they feel that the results matter. It shows the importance of having a shared vision on results and the values for the business ecosystem. The most important resources for this success marker appear to be authentic action.

Individual improvement

Focus on the future, purpose, and the value for others.

Team improvement

Focus on the ‘business eco-system’.

Other interventions

Ask others why the team outcome is important and for who.

Translate big picture
We are able to translate the big picture into our individual task

Most projects and groups are organized according to a top-down principle: Goals – Deliverables – actions.  When team members are unable to translate the bigger picture into smaller tasks, this principle fails, and successful results are unreachable. Research show that 29% of the professionals is unsatisfied.

Individual improvement

Frequently shift focus between the bigger picture and small tasks.

Review your work from the perspective of others to obtain the bigger picture.

Be specific about your own task and find the link between your own perspective and the perspective of others.

Team improvement
  • Invest time and effort in obtaining good relationships with the people in the environment of your team.
  • Review the team backlog, issuelist or actionlist to find the link between each individual task and the bigger picture.
Other interventions

Ask the HOW-question: How do we translate this big picture to small steps?

Apply methods for setting up a customer journey and for analyzing stakeholders and processes.

Iedereen wil verandering, maar niemand wil veranderen

Begeleid door

Rien van Leeuwen

Trainer, coach, veranderbegeleider | Ruysdael

Over de sessie

Rien van Leeuwen gaat in op basiscondities voor duurzame verandering.

Aan de hand van praktijk-cases verkennen we de barrières bij het bereiken van duurzame doelen op strategisch, tactisch en operationeel niveau. Denk hierbij aan bestaande structuren en opvattingen, maar ook aan het niet kunnen duiden van negatieve en positieve impact.

We delen onderling de best practices en interventies die anderen activeren. Uiteindelijk draait elke verandering om een andere manier van interactie.

Begeleid door

Rien van Leeuwen

Trainer, coach, veranderbegeleider | Ruysdael

Over de sessie

Rien van Leeuwen gaat in op basiscondities voor duurzame verandering.

Aan de hand van praktijk-cases verkennen we de barrières bij het bereiken van duurzame doelen op strategisch, tactisch en operationeel niveau. Denk hierbij aan bestaande structuren en opvattingen, maar ook aan het niet kunnen duiden van negatieve en positieve impact.

We delen onderling de best practices en interventies die anderen activeren. Uiteindelijk draait elke verandering om een andere manier van interactie.